Thursday, February 16, 2012

Price of Whitney Houston's Music Rise After Death

Hours after reports of the tragic passing of vocal superstar Whitney Houston, Sony and ITunes reportedly raised the price of her music. An unnamed inside source claimed that her death prompted review of her Ultimate Collection catalog and it was discovered that it was priced incorrectly, which brought about the price increase.

This brings most people to believe that it was a cynical ploy by Sony, due to the increasing sales of music by Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse after their recent passing. I, myself, can't believe that they would stoop so low just to make a few bucks. You would think that people would have more respect than too use someones death to make money off them. I understand the saying that you are worth more after you are death but come on, seriously?!

The particular 1997 album, The Ultimate Collection, was priced at £4.99 (or approximately $8) in the Apple iTunes Store before Houston was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m Pacific time from unspecified causes. At roughly 4 a.m. the following day, the price bumped up to £7.99 (or approximately $12.60), leaving millions of fans who wanted to commemorate her death scrutinizing the music giants for attempting to profit off this global tragedy (taken from article)

Unbelievable Right?

Leave some comments and let me know your thoughts

As Always,
Keep The Music Alive and Straighten Your Tie


  1. I think it's easy to believe that sales skyrocketed after her death. I think you start to think of all the hits they had and go look them up and probably purchase a few. I know I did this after the death of Michael Jackson for sure. It is pretty low to think that they would raise the price of the music after her death though. It's not like they wont make millions anyway.

  2. That's sad to think about. Hopefully it was just an error and they corrected it and not a ploy, but the timing is terrible.

  3. The price being raised doesn't surprise me at all. I do think that it is sad that her music is worth more now that she has passed away. It's unfortunate.

  4. This doesn't surprise me. It's a question of their ethics. Sony needs a better PR group because they should know how insensitive their actions were.

  5. It's crazy how music prices always fly up when artist die.
